Tuesday 27 October 2015

Pallas`s Leaf Warbler

Today I didn`t think that I would be doing any birding as I was looking after my 5 year old grandson all day ! and had taken him to the museum in Exeter when my phone went off with the words Pallas`s Warbler at Gore Lane in Exmouth , so I made my way home as quick as I could by bus ughhhh ! I got home and we jumped into the car and headed for the Bristol Schools Camp at Gore Lane in Exmouth , on arrival the finder Dave Hopkins was still there with another birder Brian Heasman and they soon got me onto the bird but it was on the move all of the time but in the end I managed to get these shots of the bird that is only my second for Devon !
Also seen were quite a few Goldcrest , a Firecrest and a male Eurasian Bullfinch and in one of the top fields there was a male Peregrine Falcon not a bad days bit of birding considering the circumstances !!!

1 comment:

  1. You did really well to get those shots mate. Nice one!
