Sunday 31 December 2023

End of Year

 Well another birding year comes to an end and I had quite a good year with 269 different birds seen and out of these I managed to photograph 201 .

The highlight for me were three new American birds added to my British list with Magnolia Warbler , Canada Warbler and Northern Harrier .

Lets hope 2024 brings us some more good birds to go for ! And a Happy New Year to my readers .

European Blue Tit ( Cyanistes cearuleus )


Saturday 30 December 2023

Bowling Green Marsh

 A quick look around my local parch Bowling Green Marsh this morning did not turn out to bad with the following birds seen . 2 Greylag Geese , 20+ Northern Pintail , 2 Little Egret , numerous Black-Tailed Godwit and a loan Bar-Tailed Godwit in with them , 60+ Pied Avocet , 1 Common Snipe . And a female Peregrine Falcon and a female Western Marsh Harrier kept all of the waders nervous and very flighty .

A look down near the viewing platform got me some European Goldfinch , 2 European Greenfinch and a male and female Eurasian Bullfinch .

Western Marsh Harrier ( Circus aeruginosus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Devon


Eurasian Bullfinch ( Pyrrhula pyrrhula ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Devon


Thursday 28 December 2023


 A trip up to Abberton Reservoir today with my birding mates Paul Bray and Andy Bond in hope of seeing an American duck that has been there for a while now a male Canvasback and after a bit of a search we got on to the bird that was in with a flock of over 500 Common Pochard . It spent most of the time with its head tucked in but I was lucky enough to get a shot of it as it had a quick look around . I had only seen one of these birds before in Britain and that was way back in 1999 and funny enough that was at the same reservoir !!

Also in the flock was numerous Tufted Duck . 2 Greater Scaup and a female Red-Crested Pochard . We then went to another area of the reservoir where we saw 2 Velvet Scoter , 4 Goosander and a male Common Goldeneye . We then went in search of some Bohemian Waxwing in Colchester and we managed to see 10 of them .

On the way home we saw 14 Red Kite over the M4 in Berkshire a nice end to a long days birding .

Canvasback ( Aythya valisineria ) . Abberton Reservoir . Essex


Velvet Scoter ( Melanitta fusca ) . Abberton Reservoir . Essex


Bohemian Waxwing ( Bombycilla garrulus ) . Colchester . Essex





Tuesday 26 December 2023

No Sign

 I went over to the Exminster Marshes this morning to look for a reported Red-Breasted Flycatcher but there was no sign of it today . And there was not a lot else to see with the best being Mistle Thrush , Song Thrush , Redwing . Common Stonechat and Common Kestrel

And around the Exe Reedbeds there was 2 Common Kingfisher and a brief view of a Bearded Reedling .

Common Stonechat ( Saxicola torquatus ) . The Exminster Marshes . Devon


Song Thrush ( Turdus philomelos ) . The Exminster Marshes . Devon


Monday 25 December 2023

Christmas Eve Birding

A walk from the fishermans car park on the Exminster Marshes to Turf Locks didn`t get me much at all  with only a large number of Eurasian Wigeon and Common Teal , a small flock of Eurasian Curlew and a few Redwing .
At The Turf Locks it was a slight better with Pied Avocet , Common Redshank , Black-Tailed Godwit all seen and this Great Cormorant was looking for its dinner right in close to the lock .

Happy Christmas to all my readers 

Saturday 23 December 2023

Gone Fishing

A morning look at Bowling Green Marsh turned out quite good , with the following birds seen .

This Grey Heron waited patiently for quite a while before he caught his breakfast , also seen  were 4 Greylag Geese , numerous Northern Shoveler , a Water Rail , a female Western Marsh Harrier , a female Eurasian Sparrowhawk and a few Long-Tailed Tit 

Grey Heron ( Ardea cinerea ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon


Long-Tailed Tit ( Aegithalos caudatus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon


Wednesday 20 December 2023

Sunday 17 December 2023

Western Marsh Harrier

A look around Bowling Green Marsh did not get a  lot at all , but I did see .

2 Greylag Geese , numerous Northern Pintail , Black-Tailed Godwit , Common Redshank and a Lesser Black-Backed Gull and on the far side of the marsh there was a female Western Marsh Harrier hunting over the reed bed . And a look at the Clyst Estuary got me a few Pied Avocet and a Common Gull . 

Western Marsh Harrier ( Circus aeruginosus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon


Common Gull ( Mew Gull ) . The Clyst Estuary . Devon


Lesser Black-Backed Gull ( Larus fuscus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon


Wednesday 13 December 2023

Green-Winged Teal

 Another trip down to Cornwall again this morning . But this time it was just over the border at Calstock to look for another American bird but this time a duck a Green-Winged Teal and as you can see it showed very well .

These birds used to be semi rare when I started birding but now they seem to turn up most years .

Green-Winged Teal ( Anus carolinensis ) . Calstock . Cornwall



Sunday 10 December 2023

 A late afternoon trip down to the Clennon Valley Lakes to look for a Hume`s Leaf Warbler that was found a few days ago by local birder Mike Langman .

And it was not long before we picked the bird up  and it showed quite well but was constantly on the move in fading light , but it was nice to see this Asian migrant .

Hume`s Leaf Warbler ( Phylloscopus humei ) . Clennon Valley Lakes . Devon



Friday 8 December 2023

Not a Lot

 Not a lot to report today . On the fields by Darts Farm in Topsham this morning there was a large flock of Dark-Bellied Brent Goose and in with them was a few of the Pale-Bellied race hrota .

Then a look around the Ludwell Valley C P got me a White-Throated Dipper , a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Grey Wagtail .

And a quick look at Bowling Green Marsh got me around a dozen Redwing and 4 Common Blackbird . 

White-Throated Dipper . Ludwell Valley C P . Exeter . Devon



Redwing ( Turdus iliacus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon


Wednesday 6 December 2023

White-Crowned Sparrow

 A trip down to Cornwall today to look for an American White-Crowned Sparrow that seems to have taken up residence at a garden in Rosudgeon . And we didn`t have to wait too long before the bird showed to us very well . This is only the second one of these that I have seen in Britain with my first back in 2008 in Norfolk 

We then went to Loe Beach to look for a couple of reported juvenile Surf Scoter and after a bit of a search  we managed to get on to them . So a nice end to a days birding with Paul Bray , Dave Boult & Dave Land .

White-Crowned Sparrow ( Zonotrichia leucophrys ) . Rosudgeon . Cornwall






Sunday 3 December 2023

Bowling Green Marsh

 A look around Bowling Green Marsh this morning got me the following birds .

Numerous Northern Shoveler & Common Teal , a male and female Gadwall , 2 Greylag Geese , Numerous Black-Tailed Godwit , 10 Dunlin , 8 Northern Lapwing , a Common Snipe , a Water Rail , Song Thrush and Common Chiffchaff .

Northern Shoveler ( Anas clypeata ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Devon