Thursday 24 October 2024

Ring Ouzel

 A trip out with my mate Andy to Avon Dam on the edge of Dartmoor to look for Ring Ouzel and at first we struggled to see them in the bad light . But after a while we started to connect with them and in the end we saw 12 but I am sure there were more of them  . 

We also saw a 1000 + Redwing , 2 Fieldfare , 2 Eurasian Jay , 4 Goldcrest , a Eurasian Sparrowhawk and a Northern Goshawk .

Ring Ouzel ( Turdus torquatus ) . Avon Dam . Devon



Wednesday 23 October 2024

Yellow-Browed Warbler

 This morning I made a quick trip down to Exmouth to look for a Yellow-Browed Warbler that has been see there for a few days now in the Maer long staying carpark . The bird was quite hard to catch up with but he did come into a silver birch tree once with a Common Chiffchaff and I was very lucky to fire off this one shot of it before it vanished from view again .

Yellow-Browed Warbler ( Phylloscopus inornatus ) . Exmouth . Devon


Tuesday 22nd October

A trip up to Dorset today to look for a Isabelline/Red-Tailed Shrike and after a bit of a search we got nice views of the bird . There are now 2 splits from Isabelline Shrike being Red-Tailed and Durian but at this time we have to wait for a dna test result to be sure which one it is !

We then headed for Longham Lakes on the way seeing 3 Red Kite , we arrived at the lakes in pouring rain and after it eased of a bit we saw what we had come for , a very nice close Velvet Scoter a bird that you hardly ever see inland so it was nice to get good views of it .

Isabelline/Red-Tailed Shrike ( Lanius phoenicuroides ) . Gillingham . Dorset




Velvet Scoter ( Melanitta fusca ) . Longham Lakes . Dorset


Sunday 20 October 2024

Snow Bunting

 A quick look at Bowling Green Marsh this morning got me 2 Bar-Tailed Godwit and a Spotted Redshank in with all the usual waders that get on the marsh .

I then went to the Otter Estuary at Budleigh Salterton as there was a couple of Snow Bunting reported yesterday . And they were still there today showing very well 

What an absolute bonus it is to get this little gem of a bird down here in the South West !

Snow Bunting ( Plectrophenax nivalis ) . The Otter Estuary . Budleigh Salterton . Devon






Saturday 19 October 2024

Harsh Light

There was news this morning of a Long-Billed Dowitcher on my local patch Bowling Green Marsh . So I went to have a look at it but it was very hard to see it in the harsh morning sunlight . And I am afraid that this is the best shot that I could get of it .

Also seen were 2 Spotted Redshank .

Long-Billed Dowitcher ( Limnodromus scolopaceus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Devon


Friday 18 October 2024

Thursday 17th October

A trip down to the Otter Estuary at Budleigh Salterton this morning to look for a rare bird on the new marshes Bearded Reedling and we were lucky to see four of them in flight a few times but they never settled once out in the open .

There was also 3 Water Rail , 3 Meadow Pipit , 2 Reed Bunting , a Little Grebe and a calling Yellow-Browed Warbler .

Later in the day I got news of 5 Whooper Swan on the Exminster Marshes . A rare bird in this neck of the woods , so I shot off over to there in hope that they would still be showing . I had only just got there and had look through someone`s  telescope at them when they flew off  over the Exe Estuary ....... Jammy git or what 😀

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Tuesday 15th October

 A trip out today with my mates Ken and Andy down to Cornwall in hope of seeing a Red-Flanked Bluetail . But our first stop was at Lizard Village where after a bit of a search we saw the long staying  juvenile Rose-Coloured Starling .

We then headed for the Kynance Cove area to look for the R F Bluetail where the walk was hazardous and long out to the cottages where the bird had been seen , and after that it seems that after much searching the bird had gone 😞                                                                                                                                                      So we then headed for Goonhilly Down where we saw a Lapland Bunting that flew in and landed on the path in front of us . My 1st for quite a while .

Our last stop was at Davidstow Airport where a Great Grey Shrike had been seen in the wood and we  got nice but distant views of it . I always enjoy seeing these birds .


Rose-Coloured Starling ( Pastor roseus ) . Lizard Village . Cornwall


Great Grey Shrike ( Lanius excubitor ) . Davidstow Airport . Cornwall



Monday 14 October 2024

Not a Lot

 A look at Bowling Green Marsh this morning did not get me much at all with just the usual wildfowl . With , Northern Pintail , Northern Shoveler , Eurasian Wigeon , Common Teal and Mallard .

And a walk down towards the Exe Estuary got me this Common Kestrel and a European Green Woodpecker .

Common Kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus . Topsham . Devon



Thursday 10 October 2024

Wednesday 9th October

 The day started with a Tawny Owl calling outside my house . I then went to the Powderham Marshes to look for a reported Glossy Ibis but I missed it again for the 3rd time 😓 , and all I saw were 6 Cattle Egret and a Great Spotted Woodpecker .

My last stop was at the Exminster Marshes with Western Marsh Harrier , Common Buzzard and Common Kestrel .

Monday 7 October 2024

Heavy Rain

 I have just had a couple of days away in Cornwall with the first day spent in heavy rain all day . So I did some sea watching at Porthgwarra where I saw 4 Cory`s Shearwater , a single Great Shearwater , 2 Arctic Skua , a Pomarine Skua , numerous Northern Gannet and Black-Legged Kittiwake and 2 Atlantic Grey Seal .

The 2nd day started at Pendeen with 4 Great Shearwater , 2 Cory`s Shearwater , 6 Manx Shearwater and 3 Balearic Shearwater . On then to Lands End to look for Eurasian Wryneck but I had no luck , but I did see 3 Common Raven , a Common Kestrel and 10 Meadow Pipit .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I then went to Porthgwarra again for another sea watch and saw 4 Cory`s Shearwater , and a close in Great Shearwater .

The day was finished off at the Botallick Tin Mine with 3 Red-Billed Chough .

Common Raven ( Corvus corax ) . Lands End . Cornwall



Red-Billed Chough ( Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax ) . The Botallick Mine . Cornwall



Thursday 3 October 2024

Semipalmated Sandpiper

 A trip down to Dawlish Warren this morning to look for a Semipalmated Sandpiper that was found yesterday . And after a long walk I got nice views of the bird that was always very distant through local Warren Birder Lee Collins telescope . Thanks for that Lee and for waiting for me to get there .

Also seen was the long staying Long-Billed Dowitcher , 2 Sanderling , 2 Red Knot and a male and female Cirl Bunting . And on the way home I stopped off near Cockwood and saw 50+ Cattle Egret .

Semipalmated Sandpiper ( Calidris pusilla ) . Dawlish Warren . Devon


Cattle Egret ( Bubulcus ibis ) . Nr Cockwood . Devon



Tuesday 1 October 2024


 There was news this morning of a Glossy Ibis on the Exminster Marshes . So I went over to have a look for it only to be told when I got there that there was five of them but that they had flown off just before I got there . But I did see yesterdays Black-Winged Stilt again and also my 1st Redwing of the autumn .

Back home in Topsham I then saw 4 Firecrest , 2 Common Raven and a Common Chiffchaff .

Firecrest ( Regulus igniccapilla ) . Topsham . Devon



Friday 27 September 2024

Dead Birding

 I went down to Exmouth to try a sea watch . I should have known better as the winds were northerly ! So I did not see much at all with only numerous Northern Gannet , a Balearic Shearwater , a Little Gull . And a large Shearwater that was right out on the horizon so no chance of putting a name to it .

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Tawny Owl

 There were 2 calling Tawny Owl and a Eurasian Sparrowhawk in the Cemetery grounds in Topsham this morning . Later I had a look at Poderham Marsh and saw a Great White Egret . My last stop was at Starcroos where Firecrest and Goldcrest were added to the day list .

Great White Egret ( Ardea albus ) . Powderham Marsh . Devon


Friday 20 September 2024

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Great White Egret

 I went down to Bowling Green Marsh early this morning to catch the high tide and the best bird that I saw was this Great White Egret , a rare visitor to the marsh .

Also seen were 15 Pied Avocet , 6 Red Knot , 2 Whimbrel , 10 Dunlin , Numerous Common Redshank , Black-Tailed Godwit and Eurasian Curlew . And down by the viewing platform there was a single Cetti`s Warbler....................Just good to get out again 😊 

Great White Egret ( Ardea albus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon



Saturday 14 September 2024

Long-Billed Dowitcher

 A quick dash down to Exmouth this afternoon to look for a reported Long-Billed Dowitcher a long distance American Wader , turned out a good move as I got nice views of the bird . But I was fighting the light all the time to get a few shots of it . Still better than nothing .

Also seen were Black-Tailed Godwit , Common Greenshank , Common Redshank , Red Knot and Dunlin .

Long-Billed Dowitcher ( Limnodromus scolopaceus ) . Mudbank Lane . Exmouth . Devon