Saturday 6 July 2024

Barn Owl

This morning I went to a private Site near Exeter where I saw my 1st Barn Owl in Devon this year .

There was not much else to see but this nesting Little Grebe was a very nice bonus and also seen were numerous Eurasian Collared Dove. 

Little Grebe ( Tachybaptus rufficollis ) . Near Exeter . Devon



Thursday 4 July 2024


 News of a Red-Footed Booby seen a couple of times in Lyme Bay had me down at Exmouth doing a bit of a search but I afraid that all I saw were 8 Sandwich Tern and a few Great Black-Backed Gull .

I then went to a spot in Exmouth where there was a show of over twenty Pyramidal Orchids .

Pyramidal Orchid ( Anacamptis pyramidalis ) . Exmouth . Devon



Wednesday 26 June 2024

Spotted Redshank

 This morning I went down to Bowling Green Marsh to look for a Spotted Redshank that was seen there . And I managed to see the bird ok but getting this shot of it was hard in the harsh light .

But the birding was still quite slow beside that with only 7 Common Shelduck , 3 Gadwall , 3 Little Egret , 50+ Common Redshank , 50+ Eurasian Curlew and around a hundred Black-Headed Gull .

Spotted Redshank ( Tringa erythropus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon


Friday 21 June 2024


 I had a look around Bystock Pond this morning but did not see many birds at all with only the following . Common Moorhen . Winter Wren . Common Chiffchaff and Goldcrest .

But there were a few Dragonflies hawking over the pond with the best being Four-Spotted Chaser and nearby there were a few Beautiful Demoiselles .

Beautiful Demoiselle ( Calopteryx virgo ) . Bystock Pond . Devon



Four-Spotted Chaser ( Libellula quadrimaculata ) . Bystock Pond . Devon


Wednesday 19 June 2024

Marbled White

 A look around the Pynes Hill area of Exeter this morning got me quite a few Marbled White Butterflies .

I then took a look at the Exminster Marsh but only saw the usual suspects with .

Grey Heron . Common Buzzard . Barn Swallow . European Reed Warbler . Sedge Warbler . Blackcap . Common Chiffchaff and Carrion Crow .

Also seen was a large Mirror Carp in the Exeter Canal .

Marbled White ( Melanargia galathea ) . Pynes Hill . Exeter


Monday 3 June 2024

Eurasian Golden Oriole

 This afternoon news came out of an extremely rare  bird a Eurasian Golden Oriole on the Exminster Marshes . So over I went in hope of seeing it , but I was only lucky enough to hear it calling .

I have only ever had one on these birds on the Marshes before and that was way back on the 12th of May 1998 !

There was also 2 Cetti`s Warbler , 2 Common Chiffchaff , a Sedge Warbler and a nice show of Yellow Iris .

Common Chiffchaff ( Phylloscopus collybita ) . The Exminster Marshes . Devon


Yellow Iris ( Iris pseudacorus ) . The Exminster Marshes . Devon


Tuesday 28 May 2024


 There is not a lot around at the moment but a look at Bowling Green Marsh got me a Stock Dove and a pair of Black Swan with 5 cygnets and I think that this is the 1st time that they have bred on the marsh .

At the top of Bowling Green Hill there was a Eurasian Jay and my last stop of the day was at the Tesco`s store at Exe Vale where there was this lone Bee Orchid .

Bee Orchid ( Ophrys apifere ) . Tesco Exe Vale . Devon


Wednesday 22 May 2024

Tuesday 21st May

 A day out looking around the Venford Reservoir area on Dartmoor with my mate Andy was quite productive with the following birds .

Great Spotted Woodpecker , European Green Woodpecker , Common Raven , Garden Warbler , Willow Warbler , Common Chiffchaff , Blackcap , Spotted Flycatcher , Common Redstart , Common Cuckoo , Pied Flycatcher , Common Crossbill and Lesser Redpoll . 

We also got caught out in a Thunderstorm of Rain and Hailstones and got soaked to the skin 😨

Common Crossbill ( Loxia curvirostra ) . Venford Reservoir . Dartmoor . Devon


Sunday 19 May 2024

Lesser Whitethroat

 Here are a couple of ropey shots of the illusive Lesser Whitethroat that is in scrub near to the old Welcombe Inn . The bird sang quite a bit but only showed itself a few times .                                         Also seen were Common Swift , Barn Swallow and Common House Martin .

Lesser Whitethroat ( Sylvia curruca ) . Trews Wear Area . Exeter . Devon



Wednesday 15 May 2024

East Devon Commons

 I went looking for Spotted Flycatcher on the East Devon Commons this morning but I had no luck at all . And there was not a lot else on show either with only 4 male and a female Tufted Duck , a European Green Woodpecker , Great Spotted Woodpecker , Common Chiffchaff , Coal Tit , Eurasian Jay and a single Beautiful Demoiselle .

Eurasian Jay ( Garrulus glandarius ) . The East Devon Commons .


Monday 13 May 2024

12th May

 Devon Birds Lundy Island trip

The M . V .Oldenburg left Bideford for Lundy Island around 9.30 am and on the way we saw Common Guillemot , Razorbill , Manx Shearwater , Black-Legged Kittiwake , Northern Fulmar and a Eurasian Collared Dove that landed on the ships mast .

Once we arrived at Lundy the ship went around the Island so everyone got nice views of the seabirds with some nice Atlantic Puffin seen .

On the Island we saw numerous Common Skylark and Meadow Pipit , a Common Whitethroat , 3 Northern Wheatear , a male and female Common Stonechat , a female Whinchat and around 20+ Common Linnet . The 6 of us then stopped off for a pint in the pub with ( A Bond , P Bray , D Boult , D Land , I Pearson & myself ) and just as we were leaving we were told that a female Golden Oriole had been found in Milcombe Valley so we got there as fast as we could and after a bit of searching we all managed to all get views of it ( The 1st one for me since one at Portland back in 2017 and to back it up there was also a Spotted Flycatcher .

On the trip back to Bideford not a lot was seen but 2 Harbour Porpoise were a nice end to the day .

Atlantic Puffin ( Fratercula arctica ) . Lundy Island . Devon



Saturday 11 May 2024

Friday 10th May


A trip up tp the RSPB Reserve at Greylake this morning in hope of seeing a Montagu`s Harrier that has been showing there for a few days . And we did not have to wait to long before we got distant views of the 1st summer male bird that was being mobbed by a Western Marsh Harrier at 9.15 am . It then dropped down onto the ground and was not seen again till late afternoon .

Also seen was a Great Bittern and another 2 were heard booming , 2 Common Cuckoo , 3 Red Kite , 3 Common Crane , 3 Eurasian Hobby , 4 Yellow Wagtail and my 1st Water Vole for about 30 years !

Common Cuckoo ( Cuculus canorus ) . Greylake RSPB . Somerset






Wednesday 8 May 2024


 A quick look at the Exminster Marshes only got me 2 male Garganey . I then decided to do some birding on Dartmoor where I saw .3 Whinchat , Northern Wheatear , Meadow Pipit , Common Skylark , Common Cuckoo , Common Redstart , Pied Flycatcher and a Eurasian Treecreeper .

Whinchat ( Saxicola rubetra ) . Dartmoor . Devon



Monday 6 May 2024


 News of a Lesser Whitethroat on the Exminster Marshes got me going over to look for it but this time I dipped it as there was no sign of it at all . But I did see Cetti`s Warbler , European Reed Warbler , Sedge Warbler , Common Chiffchaff , Blackcap and 3 male Garganey all together . A rare sight on the marshes .

Sedge Warbler ( Acrocephalus schoenobaenus ) . The Exminster Marshes . Devon


Garganey ( Anus querquedula ) . The Exminster Marshes . Devon


Saturday 4 May 2024


 A trip over to the Exminster Marshes again today as I had a message telling me that there was a male Garganey showing well on the pond by the middle car park . And as you can see it was well worth the trip . Also seen were the normal warbler`s for this time of year with Cetti`s Warbler , European Reed Warbler , Sedge Warbler , Common Chiffchaff and Blackcap .

Garganey ( Anus querquedula ) . The Exminster Marshes . Devon




Friday 3 May 2024

Good Birding

 This morning I had a look at the Exminster Marshes and saw 4 Eurasian Hobby , 2 Common Kestrel ,  Eurasian Sparrowhawk , Common Buzzard , a female Western Marsh Harrier , 10 Common Swift , 2 European Reed Warbler , Sedge Warbler and after a bit of a walk a distant adult Temmininck`s Stint ( after being re-identified today ) . 

Later in the afternoon I went to the new LORP at Budleigh Salterton and saw a Little Ringed Plover and after quite a bit of a search a nice male Green-Winged Teal . Also seen was my first Weasel of the year .

Temminck`s Stint ( Calidris temminckii ) . The Exminster Marshes . Devon


Green-Winged Teal ( Anus carolinensis ) . LORP . Budleigh Salterton . Devon