Sunday, 12 January 2025

Brandy Head

 A look at the sea from Brandy Head this morning got me 20+ Common Scoter , a Velvet Scoter , 2 Common Guillemot and a large flock of 30+ Northern Fulmar .

Also seen nearby was a Peregrine Falcon , Common Buzzard , Common Raven and a small flock of Redwing .

Common Scoter ( Melanitta nigra ) . Brandy Head . Devon


Northern Fulmar ( Fulmarus glacialis ) . Brandy Head . Devon


Friday, 10 January 2025

Green Sandpiper

 A stop off after my hospital visit at the Ludwell Valley Country Park in Exeter got me 2 Green Sandpiper after a bit of a search  . And as I was watching them 2 Eurasian Collared Dove dropped in . My first of the year and a bird that does not get much attention on the blog . Also seen was a Grey Wagtail . 

Green Sandpiper ( Tringa ochropus ) . The Ludwell Valley Country Park . Exeter . Devon


Eurasian Collared Dove ( Streptopelia decaocto ) . The Ludwell Valley Country Park . Exeter . Devon


Wednesday, 8 January 2025

A Quick Dash

 This afternoon I made a quick dash up the Woodbury Castle to look for Brambling and it took me a while to find the finch flock . And just as I found them a woman and her dog walked right through them scattering the whole flock 😒

So I walked around looking for the flock again and I got onto a Eurasian Treecreeper just as it started to snow ! I was beginning to get a bit wet so I thought I would call it a day . But as I was heading back to the car I found the finch flock again and there was a male Brambling , cracking bird 😀