Tuesday 29 May 2018

Red-Footed Falcon

The three of us went to Portland Bill this morning to look for a  adult Rose-Coloured Starling and we were in luck with the bird showing very well in the compound , it was the 1st adult bird that I have seen for quite a while .
We then went to Isle Brewers in Somerset as a 1st summer female Red-Footed Falcon was being seen by the River Isle , we got there just as it started to rain and the bird was then sat in a tree for quite a long time , but the rain then eased off for a while and the bird decided to fly and put on quite a show flying just above our heads sometimes .

Rose-Coloured Starling ( Pastor roseus ) . Portland Bill . Dorset

Red-Footed Falcon ( Falco vespertinus ) . Isle Brewers . Somerset

Sunday 27 May 2018


A trip up to Dartmoor today with the first stop at the Headland Warren area to look for Whinchat and after a bit of a search I managed to find a couple of male birds . Also seen were 2 Common Cuckoo and a couple of Meadow Pipit .
We then went to another area where we saw a male and female Common Redstart ( Superb looking birds ) , a Spotted Flycatcher and a male Reed Bunting .

Whinchat ( Saxicola rubetra ) . Headland Warren Area . Dartmoor . Devon

Common Redstart ( Phoenicurus phoenicurus ) . Dartmoor . Devon

Friday 25 May 2018


At the Topsham Recreation Ground today there was over 70+ Sanderling , 2 Curlew Sandpiper with one in full summer plumage and the other in partial , 2 Dunlin , 100+ Black-Tailed Godwit , and a Eurasian Oystercatcher , but they were all a bit distant , a far off  Eurasian Hobby that was on the Exminster Marsh side of the River Exe . And also seen were 4 Barn Swallow and a couple of Lesser Black-Backed Gull .

Curlew Sandpiper ( Calidris ferruginea ) . The Topsham Recreation Ground . Devon

Sanderling ( Calidris alba ) . The Topsham Recreation Ground . Devon

Thursday 24 May 2018

Great Bittern

A trip up to Somerset today with our first stop at Hodders Combe woods where there was 4 Wood Warbler with one showing well and the other 3 heard on call , also seen was a Spotted Flycatcher .
We then went to the Ham Wall reserve and we saw 7 Great White Egret , 4 Great Bittern , 2 male Western Marsh Harrier , 4 Common Cuckoo and a Garden Warbler . We then went across the road and had a look at Meare Heath reserve where there were 2 more Great White Egret , 2 Booming Great Bittern and a distant Eurasian Hobby

Great Bittern ( Botaurus stellaris ) Ham Wall . Somerset

Great White Egret ( Casmerodius albus ) . Meare Heath . Somerset

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Little Gull

I went up to Aylesbeare Common this morning for a look around but I didn`t see much at all , with only a few Common Linnet , a juvenile Common Stonechat and a smart male Yellowhammer . Also seen were 2 Common European Adder and 4 Large White Butterflies .
Much later I got a message telling me that there was a 1st summer Little Gull on the Exe Estuary viewed from the Goatswalk area of Topsham , so off I went in hope that I could get a look at it . But by the time that I got there the bird had become quite distant and was in bright light , but I fired off a few shots of it anyway and ended up with this not to bad shot of it ......Cheers Gary .

Little Gull ( Hydrocoloeus minutus ) . The Exe Estuary . Topsham . Devon

Monday 21 May 2018

Sunday 20th May

Lundy Island Trip

Myself , Andy Bond & Ken Montandon went on the Devon Birding trip to Lundy Island today  . We were joined by over 100 other birders etc and left from Bideford on the outward journey around 9am , and we started seeing birds when we were not far out with 20+ Manx Shearwater , numerous Common Guillemot and Razorbill , a single Atlantic Puffin , a few Northern Fulmar and 2 Great Northern Diver .
When we arrived the boat did the trip around the island and we saw 5 Sika Deer high up on the cliffs , we then went to the area to look for Atlantic Puffins and we were lucky to see 20-30 of them , also seen was an Iceland Gull . We then went onto the island and made our way to an area where a Eurasian Dotterel was seen yesterday and we were in luck with the bird still being there and showing very well ...What a superb looking bird , we then had a look around the island seeing a few Greenland Wheatear , a male Common Redstart , 4 Spotted Flycatcher , a very nice Firecrest , and a Hawfinch .
We then boarded the ship and headed back towards Bideford and on the way we saw a raft of over 200+ Manx Shearwater sat on the sea , also seen were quite a few Harbour Porpoise with some of them surfing the waves behind the ship . A very nice day out with great weather as well .

Manx Shearwater ( Puffinus puffinus ) . Bideford to Lundy Island . Devon

Atlantic Puffin ( Fratercula arctica ) . Lundy Island . Devon

Iceland Gull ( Larus glaucoides ) . Lundy Island . Devon

Eurasian Dotterel ( Charadrius morinellus ) . Lundy Island . Devon

Firecrest ( Regulus ignicapilla ) . Lundy Island . Devon

Manx Shearwater ( Puffinus puffinus ) . Lundy Island to Bideford . Devon

Harbour Porpoise ( Phocoena phocoena ) . Lundy Island to Bideford . Devon


Saturday 19 May 2018

Red Kite

A couple of hours spent this morning on Bowling Green Marsh got me 2 Red Kite , 2 Common Buzzard , 100+ Black-Tailed Godwit , 2 Ruddy Turnstone , a Red Knot , numerous Barn Swallow , a few Common Swift , a couple of Cetti`s Warbler and a European Reed Warbler .
And down by the viewing platform I saw my  first Large Red Damselfly of the year and 2 female Broad Bodied Chaser`s .

Large Red Damselfly ( Pyrrhosoma nymphula ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon

Thursday 17 May 2018

Bowling Green Marsh

An afternoon look around my local patch Bowling Green Marsh got me 100+ Black-Tailed Godwit and in with them was a single Red Knot , there was also a few Barn Swallow and Common House Martin over the lake . I then went down to the viewing platform end of the marsh where 4 European Reed Warbler were showing very well , also seen were 2 female Broad-Bodied Chaser`s and a Holly Blue Butterfly .
I had another look out from the hide before I called it a day and I was rewarded with a female Western Marsh Harrier that flew around for a short while before dropping into the reed bed .

European Reed Warbler ( Acrocephalus scirpaceus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon

Western Marsh Harrier ( Circus aeruginosus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Tuesday 15th May

A Bluethroat at Lodmoor in Weymouth in Dorset was the lure that saw the 3 of us making the trip up to see if we see it . But after a bit of a wait we came to the conclusion that the bird had moved on making it the second one that we have missed this year .
But while we were looking for it we saw a few Tufted Duck and Gadwall , a male and female Western Marsh Harrier , around a dozen Common Tern , 6 Cetti`s Warbler , a Common Whitethroat and 8 Long-Tailed Tit .
We then went out to Portland Bill for a look around but there was not a lot on show with the best bird being 2 Spotted Flycatcher , we then headed for home stopping on the way at Ferrybridge where there was 10 Sandwich tern and 4 delightful Little Tern always a joy to see .

Little Tern ( Sternula albifrons ) . Ferrybridge . Dorset

Cetti`s Warbler ( Cettia cetti ) . Lodmoor . Weymouth . Dorset

Gadwall ( Anus strepera ) . Lodmoor . Weymouth . Dorset

Tufted Duck ( Aythya fuligula ) . Lodmoor . Weymouth . Dorset

Long-Tailed Tit ( Aegithalos caudatus ) . Lodmoor . Weymouth . Dorset

Monday 14 May 2018

Eurasian Hobby

A look around the Exminster Marshes this afternoon got me my first two Eurasian Hobby of the year but both of them were a bit distant , I also saw 4 Sedge Warbler . 3 European Reed Warbler , a male Blackcap and a Willow Warbler .
Other things of note today were Broad-Bodied Chaser , Hairy Dragonfly and Holly Blue Butterfly .

Broad-Bodied Chaser ( Libellula depressa ) ( Female ) . The Exminster Marshes . Devon

Hairy Drogonfly ( Brachytron pratense ) . The Exminster Marshes . Devon

Saturday 12 May 2018

Little Ringed Plover

I wasn`t birding today but I got a call late this afternoon telling me that a Little Ringed Plover had just dropped into Bowling Green Marsh  , so I went down and managed to get this shot of it .
Also on show were 3 Whimbrel and some Common Sand Martin and Barn Swallow were hawking over to pool .

Little Ringed Plover ( Charadrius dubius ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon

Thursday 10 May 2018

Out with the boys

A trip out with the boys today with our first stop at the Lydlinch Common in Dorset to look for the Common Nightingale and we managed to get 4 of them at least with one of them showing well but only for a short while , the others were heard on call . Also seen were 2 Garden Warbler and a male Blackcap .
We then went to Martin Down in Hampshire and European Turtle Dove was the main bird that we were looking for , and it took us quite a bit of searching but in the end we saw 3 of them , we also saw 2 Grey Partridge ( a very rare bird for us back in Devon ) , a Common Cuckoo , another Garden Warbler , and a Corn Bunting .
Other things seen today were Brimstone , Green-Veined White , Grizzled Skipper and Dingy Skipper Butterflies and an Oil Beetle .

Garden Warbler ( Sylvia borin ) . Lydlinch Common . Dorset

Grizzled Skipper ( P . malvae ) . Martin Down . Hampshire

Oil Beetle ( Meloe proscarabaeus ) . Martin Down . Hampshire

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Yarner Wood

The weather was nice this morning in Topsham so I decided to go out to Yarner Wood for a look around but by the time that I got there it changed to being quite cold with a bit of a breeze .
But I still managed to get around 10 Pied Flycatcher , 3 Wood Warbler , 2 Eurasian Nuthatch , a male and female Common Redstart , a Common Raven and best of all a male Ring Ouzel that was at the top of the reserve by the reservoir but it didn`t stay long before moving off .

Pied Flycatcher ( Ficedula hypoleuca ) . Yarner Wood . Devon

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Red-Backed Shrike

I have just returned from a brilliant birding trip to Spain and have not done a lot since . But news of a male Red-Backed Shrike at Dawlish Warren got me off of my bum to see if I could catch up with it .
I arrived to find a few birders already looking for it but there was no sign of it anywhere , but after a short while eagle eyed Lee Collins found the bird and we were all able to get views of it , but it was always quite distant , but then again we are very lucky to get one of these birds passing through the Warren and it was only the 3rd one that I have seen on site .
Also seen was my first Common Cuckoo of the year and 2 Common Whitethroat .

Red-Backed Shrike ( Lanius collurio ) . Dawlish Warren . Devon