Sunday 9 July 2023

Day Out

A day out in Dorset today turned out to be rather good with the weather and the birds . As our first stop was at Ferrybridge where we saw 50+ Little Tern , a single Sandwich Tern , 4 Common Ringed Plover and 60+ Mediterranean Gull .

Our next stop was at Portland Bill where 3 Little Owl were seen along with 3 Common Skylark and 4 Rock Pipit . We then had a look at Lodmoor but there was hardly any birds at all with the best being a Common Sandpiper and a Common Whitethroat .

Little Tern ( Sternula albifrons ) . Ferrybridge . Dorset


Little Owl ( Athene noctua ) . Portland Bill . Dorset




Saturday 8 July 2023

BGM Again

 Another look at Bowling Green Marsh got me most of the same birds as yesterday with Eurasian Curlew , Whimbrel , Common Redshank , Spotted Redshank , Ruff , Mediterranean Gull and Common Sand Martin .

But also seen today were 2 European Spoonbill and around 15 Sandwich Tern a bird that we do not see often on the marsh .

Sandwich Tern ( Sterna sandvicensis ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon



Friday 7 July 2023

Bowling Green Marsh

 A morning look at Bowling Green Marsh got me the following birds . Numerous Eurasian Curlew , 3 Whimbrel , 30+ Black-Tailed Godwit , 30+ Common Redshank , a Spotted Redshank in nice summer plumage , a Common Greenshank , a summer plumaged Ruff , 3 Common Sandpiper , 2 adult summer Mediterranean Gull & another 2nd summer bird , 2 Stock Dove , 20+ Common House Martin , a few Common Sand Martin and a single Barn Swallow .

Mediterranean Gull ( Larus melanocephalus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon


Tuesday 4 July 2023

Dead !!

 There has not been a lot to report lately ! So this female European Green Woodpecker was a welcome visitor to my garden here in Topsham this afternoon .

European Green Woodpecker ( Picus viridis ) . Topsham . Devon