Friday, 17 January 2025

Good Birding

A walk around the Riverside Country Park in Exeter got me 20+ Eurasian Siskin , 3 Redwing , 3 Song Thrush , 10 Long-Tailed Tit , 3 Grey Wagtail and a European Green Woodpecker .

I then went to the Brandy Head area near Otterton where I saw a Black-Throated Diver , 4 Red-Throated Diver , 20+ Common Scoter and 2 Red-Legged Partridge .

Eurasian Siskin ( Carduelis spinus ) . The Riverside C P . Exeter . Devon



Grey Wagtail ( Motacilla cinerea ) . The Riverside C P . Exeter . Devon


Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Tuesday 14th January

 A trip up to Somerset with my mate Andy with our first stop at the Cheddar Reservoir to look for some reported Black-Necked Grebe . And after we walked nearly all around the reservoir we got nice views of them in the end . Also seen was Goosander and Great Spotted Woodpecker .

We then went to the Steart Marshes as there has been an American wader a Least Sandpiper showing there . And when we first got there the bird was so distant that it was just a dot , but all of a sudden something put all the waders up and the bird landed a lot closer to us , so we were well pleased with that 😀

Also seen were 2 Peregrine Falcon , a Merlin and 2 male Western Marsh Harrier .

Black-Necked Grebe ( Podiceps nigricollis ) . Cheddar Reservoir . Somerset