Monday 13 May 2024

12th May

 Devon Birds Lundy Island trip

The M . V .Oldenburg left Bideford for Lundy Island around 9.30 am and on the way we saw Common Guillemot , Razorbill , Manx Shearwater , Black-Legged Kittiwake , Northern Fulmar and a Eurasian Collared Dove that landed on the ships mast .

Once we arrived at Lundy the ship went around the Island so everyone got nice views of the seabirds with some nice Atlantic Puffin seen .

On the Island we saw numerous Common Skylark and Meadow Pipit , a Common Whitethroat , 3 Northern Wheatear , a male and female Common Stonechat , a female Whinchat and around 20+ Common Linnet . The 6 of us then stopped off for a pint in the pub with ( A Bond , P Bray , D Boult , D Land , I Pearson & myself ) and just as we were leaving we were told that a female Golden Oriole had been found in Milcombe Valley so we got there as fast as we could and after a bit of searching we all managed to all get views of it ( The 1st one for me since one at Portland back in 2017 and to back it up there was also a Spotted Flycatcher .

On the trip back to Bideford not a lot was seen but 2 Harbour Porpoise were a nice end to the day .

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