Sunday, 29 December 2024

Velvet Scoter

 A morning trip down to Brandy Head near Otterton to look for a reported Velvet Scoter , and my luck was in as the bird was not too far out allowing me to get this shot of it .

Also seen were 20+ Common Scoter , a Great Northern Diver , 30+ Razorbill and 4 Red-Breasted Merganser . And in the bushes there were 2 Cirl Bunting .

Velvet Scoter ( Melanitta fusca ) . Brandy Head . Devon


Common Scoter ( Melanitta nigra ) . Brandy Head . Devon


Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Christmas Eve Birding

 A quick hours birding at the Darts Farm Reserve got me a nice Spotted Redshank a 1st for me at this site .

Also seen were 300+ ( Dark Bellied ) Brent Geese , 10 Eurasian Wigeon , 12 Eurasian Curlew , numerous Rook , 6 Common Chaffinch , Great Spotted Woodpecker , Song Thrush & a male Reed Bunting . 

Spotted Redshank ( Tringa erythropus ) . Darts Farm Reserve . Topsham . Devon


Monday 23rd December

 A new bird into Bowling Green Marsh today was this female Common Pochard a bird that we dont see that often on the marsh . Also seen was the long staying Greater Scaup , a Ruff , Common Snipe , 2 Dunlin , numerous Northern Lapwing and a Wester Marsh Harrier that flew around the marsh a few times before settling in the reed bed .

But the highlight of the day was a Great White Egret that I picked up as it flew through the marsh heading towards the Exe Estuary .

Common Pochard ( Aythya ferina ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon


Northern Lapwing ( Vanellus vanellus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon


Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Bowling Green Marsh

The 1st winter Greater Scaup that has been on Bowling Green Marsh for a while now showed quite well this morning allowing me to get this shot of it

Also seen were numerous Northern Pintail , a single male Gadwall , numerous Black-Tailed Godwit and in with them were a few Bar-Tailed Godwit , the wintering Long-Billed Dowitcher , 50+ Pied Avocet , a Ruff . And a Western Marsh Harrier flew through a few times putting everything up !

Greater Scaup ( Aythya marila ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon


Long-Billed Dowitcher ( Limnodromus scolopaceus ) . Bowling Green Marsh . Topsham . Devon


Friday, 13 December 2024


 A look at Woodbury Castle this morning got me my first Brambling in Devon this year with this male bird showing in with a small flock of Common Chaffinch . Also seen were 4 Coal Tit , 3 Winter Wren and 2 Eurasian Nuthatch .

And on Bowling Green Marsh in Topsham there was 8 Greylag Geese , a 1st winter Greater Scaup and a Mistle Thrush .

Brambling ( Fringilla montifringilla ) . Woodbury Castle . Devon



Saturday, 7 December 2024

3rd Time Lucky

 I went down to Dawlish Warren this morning in a gale with pouring rain to have another look look for the illusive Dusky Warbler that has been showing for a few days ( I know I`m Stupid lol ) . I have tried twice before with no luck but this morning I heard it calling and as I walked towards it the bird showed and flew up into a dead bush and I never saw it again . This bird makes it my 8th in Britain with 7 of them seen in my home county of Devon .                                                                                                                             Also seen at sea were half a dozen Northern Gannet and 4 Great Crested Grebe .

Great Crested Grebe ( Podceps cristatus ) . Dawlish Warren . Devon